In 1978, the federal government banned lead based paint from housing. At that time there were over 3 million children with elevated blood lead levels; today there are a few hundred thousand due to the efforts to clean up lead paint in buildings and the cessation of lead use in other products such as gasoline, pipes, and glaze on pottery and porcelain. Because of its widespread use before 1978, lead was found in elevated levels in the air, dust, soil and drinking water.

It is now required under the Residential Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Program that landlords renting their property or sellers selling their property disclose any knowledge of lead based paint on the property prior to lease or sale. Furthermore, contractors are required under the Pre-Renovation Education Program to provide information about lead paint and the dangers of renovating.

Lead paint can enter the body by ingesting it orally (lead paint chips or drinking water) or by inhaling lead dust. While children absorb lead more easily, adults can also experience a host of health issues when exposed to lead.

Legal Help for Lead Paint Poisoning Victims

Get a free lead paint poisoning consultation today with one of our toxic substances lawyers. We do not take any legal fees unless we win compensation for you through settlement or trial. Call 1-800-LEAD-LAW (1-800-532-3529) or fill out our short online form. If you live in a building constructed before 1978, or if you are renovating an older building, you and your family could be at risk of Lead Paint Poisoning. To learn more about prevention and safety, visit:

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